All Star Metals, LLC A subsidiary of Scrap Metal Services, LLC
World class recycling center in the Port of Brownsville
101 Box Car Rd.
Brownsville, Texas. 78521
(956) 838-2110
Job Postings
All Star Metals, LLC is an equal opportunity employer regardless of race, color, religion, creed, sex, marital status, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, on-the-job injury, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or belief. Employment decisions are made without consideration of these or any other factors that employers are prohibited by law from considering.

All Star Metals application English
All Star Metals application Spanish
Please download the application and save it to Desktop.
After saving print, fill out email, fax, or mail to:
ATTN: Human Resources
All Star Metals
101 boxcar rd.
Brownsville, TX 78521
Email: dsegura@scrapmetalservices.com
Fax: 956-838-2190
Here is the SF-86 application for the Security Clearance process if you have any question you can refer to your supervisor.
SF-86 click here
Please download application and save to Desktop.
After saving print, fill out and Send your supervisor or the FSO.